Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Human Origins The Origins of Bipedalism Essays

Human Origins The Origins of Bipedalism Essays Human Origins The Origins of Bipedalism Paper Human Origins The Origins of Bipedalism Paper Essay Topic: Sociology Upright walking is far more complicated than many people think. It requires a number of highly specialized adaptations that have taken millions of years to evolve. It is part of what defines the human race, because there is no other organism on the planet that shares this group of skills. An understanding of the origins of bipedalism is therefore the key to answering many questions about human nature. To understand the evolution of bipedal locomotion, one must first look to our non-upright past. Although we know very little about the common ancestor of apes and hominids, we can still gain some idea about how it might have moved. Similarities in the bone structure of ape and human wrists, arms and shoulders lead some scientists to believe that our common ancestor was most likely a knuckle walker.i From this conclusion, we can examine the morphological distinctions between the two forms of locomotion by comparing humans and knuckle walking apes. One major morphological difference between apes and humans is the bicondylar angle of the femur. The human femur is angled inward about 10Â °. In gorillas, the angle is only about 1Â °. This greater bicondylar angle is specially adapted for bipedalism. It allows humans to keep their center of gravity more directly over the legs while walking. The lack of this angle in gorillas is due to the fact that their weight can shift to their arms and back to their legs while walking.ii The morphology of the foot has also changed to accommodate bipedal walking. The foot of an ape has a large gap between the last toe and the other four and is relatively flat on the bottom. Humans have gained a reinforced heel and an arch to absorb shock. The toes have become aligned to point forward, allowing for a smoother ending to the propulsive phase of the stride.iii Other adaptations for bipedalism pertain to the location and function of muscles. The gluteus maximus in apes is located at the side of the hip, in order to pull the thigh outward. In humans, it is at the back of the illium, pulling the thigh back during the propulsive phase while walking and running.iv Skeletal changes that have occurred due to bipedalism include the flaring out of the illium, the s-shaped curvature of the vertebral column, and the repositioning of the foramen magnum. The iliac blades are shorter and wider, forming a basin that cups and protects the organs. Additionally, they can better support the direct pressure of upright posture. The s-shaped spine centers the weight of the upper body over the pelvis. This is in place of a quadrupeds straighter spine. The foramen magnum is repositioned from the back of the skull to the base of the skull. This change allows humans to look forward while upright.v All of these changes occurred over the course of many millions of years. We understand how they occurred, but there are many different theories that attempt to explain why. Some of the most compelling come from Peter Wheeler, C. Owen Lovejoy, and Kevin Hunt. Wheelers thermoregulatory theory proposes that bipedalism originated because an upright stance allows the body to cool more effectively than that of a quadruped. The theory is based on the idea that at noon, in an open area such as the seashore or the savannah grasslands of Africa, an upright individual would be exposed to more wind and less sun than a quadruped. The wind would facilitate cooling through sweat evaporation, allowing the individual to be much more efficient. This would allow upright individuals to exploit the midday niche while facing little competition from quadrupeds, who are more susceptible to overheating.vi Lovejoys behavioral model for bipedalism centers on the theme of a family. Instead of both parents taking care of their offspring and getting food for the family, bipedalism would allow one parent to travel long distances while carrying food. The other parent would be left to take care of the offspring, increasing the chance of survival. The larger area that can be exploited by a bipedal individual allows for more available food for that individuals family. This also increases the survival rate of their offspring, essentially selecting for bipedalism.vii Lovejoy backs his theory up by connecting it to human sexual behavior. He claims that the monogamous mating structure of this model accounts for the elimination of any sort of mating season in humans. Mating seasons exist so that mating can coincide with a time when energy and resources are not needed for offspring. Since bipedalism allows families access to more resources, copulation can occur at any time.viii Hunts postural feeding hypothesis suggests that bipedalism originated in quadruped feeding activities. Essentially, the terrestrial quadrupeds that could stand up were able to get the most food. His hypothesis is backed up by studies of chimpanzee behavior. According to Hunt, Eighty per cent of chimpanzee bipedalism was during feeding.ix Hunt claims that retained morphological aspects of arm hanging helped the early quadrupeds reach for food. He explains evidence that these traits, including long arms and fingers, were present in australopithecines.x Although these theories all seem to be solid and well based, they each contain at least one implausible aspect. Wheelers thermoregulatory theory does not apply to enough geographical situations. This limitedness only becomes worse when the areas he proposes are considered rationally. For example, even the African savannah had tall vegetation. Bipedal hominids that walked by some dense shrubs or even tall grass would be blocked from the wind. Additionally, the bipedal advantage only lasts for a few hours in the middle of the day. The benefits do not last long enough to really affect the efficiency of an individual. It is therefore unlikely that the thermoregulatory theory was entirely responsible for bipedalism. Lovejoys theory is the most probable of the three. His claims make a lot of sense because of how he ties in other aspects of human development to bipedalism. The only problem that isnt addressed in his article is how women developed bipedalism. According to his theory, males went out to provision for the family while females stayed behind and took care of the babies. Hunts theory makes interesting points, but it conflicts with more sound evidence that early hominids and apes evolved from a knuckle-walking quadruped. It is also much more vague than the other theories. Many other theories exist that attempt to explain the shift from quadrupedal locomotion to bipedalism. Each offers compelling evidence to support its claims. Additionally, each is flawed in one way or another. Without new evidence, we may never know the true origin of our most unique characteristic.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What Not to Wear on Graduation Day

What Not to Wear on Graduation Day Deciding what to wear for graduation requires more than merely picking up your cap and gown and making sure you put on the tassel correctly. You have to choose something to wear under the academic garb, too. Theres no dress code, but you dont want to wear something thats so uncomfortable you cant enjoy yourself. What you end up wearing will ultimately depend on your personal taste and the style of the time. No matter the trend, there are a few major fashion donts that you probably want to avoid, for practical purposes, once Pomp and Circumstance starts playing. Uncomfortable Footwear If you are going to buy some new shoes for graduation, make sure you break them in before graduation day. Even if they feel comfortable at first, wear them around your room or apartment for a bit. That way, you can stretch them out and make sure they really are comfortable. Shoes that youve never worn before are the height of discomfort. True, treating yourself to a new (and cute!) pair of shoes might be the special splurge you feel you deserve after your years of hard work in school. But youll likely be on your feet most, if not all, of the day. If you want a pair of shoes to help you stand out, go for bright colors that your friends and family can see beneath your graduation gown. Comfort, however, should definitely take priority, no matter if your shoes are old or new. You dont want to be hobbling around with blistered feet on a day when you should be jumping for joy. Wrong Weather Wear Nothing is worse than clothes that are inappropriate for the weather. If youre going to be graduating when its 100 F outside, dress for the occasion. You dont want to faint from heat exhaustion  or wear something that will show sweat (youll take pictures both in and out the graduation robe, too). Be smart about what the weather is and how you need to dress. Being Underdressed or Overdressed Clothes that are too formal, or not formal enough, will make you feel out of place when you should feel relaxed. Wearing jeans to your college graduation probably isnt a smart choice, but a ball gown isnt quite right, either. Aim for business or business casual for the ceremony. That means a nice dress, nice pants, nice shirt/blouse, and nice shoes. An Outfit Thats Unflattering in Photos Be careful about clothes that wont look good in pictures. If you arent sure what style to pick, going for a classic and classy look is always wise. After all, you dont want to look back at your graduation photo and wince at your wardrobe choice. Pick something nice and professional that looks good on you, which will represent you well over the years. Anything Inappropriate or That Might Get You in Trouble Youre ready for the next step, but youre still a college student for the day. Any poor decisions you make could still lead to serious consequences with the administration. Wearing clothing with an offensive slogan or putting an offensive or inappropriate message on your graduation cap might seem amusing to you, but not to the administration. Also resist the urge to go entirely nude under your robe. After everything youve done to earn your degree, dont sabotage your chance to celebrate it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Creating a Policy Map Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Creating a Policy Map - Assignment Example The online tourism resources of Hadassa are being transformed and managed by the Internet California Resources. The business will focus primarily on the tourists in California and some other states in the U.S. Hadassa Tourism Website Company will be providing website development services to the vast tourism niches in California. Much as the company is still in the operational stages, the founders who are Martin, Janice and Rene have vast experience that is required to deal with the competencies in this industry. The company will have more than the required capital investment with an overflow of $310,000.The Company is dream is to provide clients with solutions to their tourism needs (Kaplan, 2012). However, the company will depend on a number of external vendors to advice and supply web hosting and implementation of the websites. The company would provide all the other services. The company will provide a turn-key solution to its clients. However, we will rely on multiple outside vendors to supply website implementation and hosting. The company will provide all other aspects of the service. The Californian Internet Resource Company will make uniform the language and technology required for the clients in the tourist destinations, so that all barriers and bottlenecks are removed. This would be done so as to reach out to most of the English-speaking tourists in various destinations around the world. Hadassa Tourism Website Company will provide a flexible, fun-filled and conducive environment that would explore numerous opportunities so as to provide state of the art exotic travel for the employees and also offer incentives and bonuses for all personnel (Kaplan, 2012). The project manager oversees the affairs of the organization and implements major policies in the organization. He also manages the resources of the organization. The project sponsor helps in sourcing of funds to manage various projects (Kaplan, 2012). The steering committee is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Why the government should not cut schools budget Research Paper

Why the government should not cut schools budget - Research Paper Example Education makes a person perfect. The differences between an educated person and an uneducated person can be witnessed in the behaviors. The educated person may get better social acceptance because of his better behavior and superior abilities in tackling life problems The main purpose of education is to develop good citizens. In other words, lack of education may result in the development of antisocial elements of unhealthy citizens. Moreover, education is one of the essential requirements for achieving a better profession. In the current world, only the educated person will be capable of meeting the professional challenges. A person who does not have ideas about the changing trends in the world may not be a success in his profession. In short, the importance of education in human life cannot be underestimated at any circumstances. However, there are tendencies to cut down the educational budgets by the governments. Government often cites lack of funds for cutting down the education al budgets. In a heavily globalized current world, governments are trying to cut down their expenses in public services or stay away from public utility services. Privatization of educational sector may result in increased educational costs which may prevent people from attending schools and colleges.This paper argues that the government should never cut down the educational budget or stay away from executing their basic responsibilities of giving proper education to its citizens. One of the toughest blows and most shocking hypocrisies of the Bush education budget is his plan to entirely end the Perkins Loan Program, which historically has forgiven student loans for qualified teachers as inducement for them to teach in schools serving students from low-income families, students with disabilities, or in the fields of mathematics, science, foreign languages, or bilingual education (White) It should be noted that Bush had no hesitation in spending trillions of dollars for wars. He unde restimated the values of education and the social changes education can bring to the society. Education drives a person from a known to unknown world. Current world is a mysterious one and our knowledge about the current world is limited when we consider the hidden things in this world. Better knowledge about the world is essential for better living. This knowledge can be provided to the children only through education. Cutting down of educational budgets may increase the chances of intrusion of private institutions in educational sector. Intrusion of private people in educational sector may further commercialize the educational world. Education should be considered as a divine process and commercialization of education should be prevented as much as possible. Cutting down of educational budgets will prevent proper interference of government in the educational sector and the private business people may exploit the possibilities. Knowledge is exploding from all corners and the advanc ements in science and technology are immense. However, educationalists all over the world have strong doubts about how well the governments able to deliver this knowledge explosion to the students. In other words, the quality or standards of education at present is questionable. Some people believe that the standards of the education improved a lot with the introduction of new curriculum strategies like problem solving methods rather than lecture based methods.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Educational Research Essay Example for Free

Educational Research Essay The research study explores the influence of technological developments to student motivation and positive learning outcomes. Educational institutions have started to incorporate the use of technology as an instructional tool to facilitate teaching and learning. One of the most recent additions to instructional tools used for classroom instruction is the employment of mobile technology. These technologies include the use of SMS or Short Message Service, e-mail, online forums and discussion boards. The purpose of the research is to probe deeper on the effects of these technologies to motivational learning, pressure within the learning environment, and the outcomes of performance. The result of the study proved that the use of internet and mobile communications lessens the pressure that students feel within the learning environment. Therefore, motivating the students to learn and feel comfortable during classroom instruction. Moreover, mobile communications opens up other alternatives for students to communicate with their teachers without any hesitations at all. Although the research acknowledged the benefits of employing mobile communication combined with internet tools, it still suggests that further studies be conducted on the topic. Critical Evaluation The research study is yet again one of the many proofs on how technology is becoming an integral part of education and is influential in producing positive learning outcomes. With the addition of mobile communication still it remains to be a motivational factor for students to learn and reflect that they actually have been learning by coming up with high grades during evaluation and assessment. This means that with the employment of mobile communications, students are able to produce desirable learning outcomes. Perhaps one of the things that make technology a motivational tool is because of its widespread use in almost every aspect of life. People, especially the younger generation, regard technology as a trend. Incorporating the technologies that students are familiar of makes it a powerful instructional tool to arouse the interest of the learners. Learning is not limited to the confines of the educational institution because mobile communication allows learning to extend beyond the four walls of the classroom. Moreover, communication is best facilitated, especially with students who are not good oral communicators, through online communication. These observations allow educational institutions to consider the employment of mobile technology to their curriculum and their instructional tools, perhaps, also considering the emergence of globalization.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

divorce :: essays research papers

I intend to look at all the different aspects of children in what would typicaly be called a disfunctional family. There have been many studies on this fact. It has been shown time and time again that children that do not come from stable environments are far more likely to be delinquents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will refrence several of these studies, such as the studies done in Rochester, Denver and Pittsburgh. This research shows many different ways that emotional family transitions affect childhood behavior. The magnitude of difference between youth with no family transitions and those with many family transitions is amazing. One out of every two marriages today ends in divorce and many divorcing families include children. Parents who are getting a divorce are frequently worried about the effect the divorce will have on their children. During this difficult period, parents may be preoccupied with their own problems, but continue to be the most important people in their children's lives. Children often believe they have caused the conflict between their mother and father. Many children assume the responsibility for bringing their parents back together, sometimes by sacrificing themselves. Vulnerability to both physical and mental illnesses can originate in the traumat ic loss of one or both parents through divorce. With care and attention, however, a family's strengths can be mobilized during a divorce, and children can be helped to deal constructively with the resolution of parental conflict.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will elaborate on how many families can support each other even during these rough transitions. How new partners or parents can get involved and assist the child with the conflict he or she is having. Some kids do not have the opportunity to do certain things because of their families financial situation.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Iceman

This 1936 painting entitled â€Å"The Iceman† done by Jacob Lawrence was completed sometime during the Harlem Renaissance. The painting is a typical portrait of and an honest reflection of daily life in 1930s Harlem, New York. It can easily represent any urban city during this time period. The artist uses the painting to show the connection, or lack thereof, between the neighborhood’s residents, as they seem to go about their daily routines without the social interaction that allied people during times of struggle.Lawrence employs symbolism and imagery to show how the neighborhood lacked connection. On first glance of the painting, three residents are noticed, all in their own apartments, being sold ice by the iceman standing on the street, and his helper. As the apartments are all in such close proximity of one another, one would believe that the residents would be interacting with each other. But at a closer glance, it is seen that they are all minding their own busin ess. This is strange for the era. It is well known that during the 1930s, segregation and racism were at their worst.In the north, tensions were high between the black and white classes due to the increased number of African-Americans migrating to larger cities. In the minds of the whites, the blacks were â€Å"taking over†. In most cases, when tragic or intense situations like this occur, it is typical for people to ban together and tread through the problems as a whole community – except in this case. Whether or not these people were real Harlem residents, it is quite unlikely that this separation of community would have really happened.Community is defined as â€Å"an interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common location†, with â€Å"interacting† being the keyword. The characters made up in this painting include the iceman and his helper with the pushcart, a window washer, a woman possibly ironing or cooking, a man trying to hold onto his dog, and a darkened figure in an alley. Though these people appear to be financially on the poorer side, they still go about their lives separately, and with the ease of daily routine. It would be expected that at least two of these characters would be interacting with each other, for the sake of survival.Surprisingly, though, none of the residents are looking at each other, and they seem not to even notice the person living next to them. It is possible that Lawrence used this imagery after witnessing a lack of connection within a community such as this one. He might have wanted to influence Harlem residents to unify during these times of segregation. Jacob Lawrence used subtle symbolism to convey the neighborhood’s physical lack of connection. It is not immediately seen, but if one were to be inside the painting at the scene, there would be tangible evidence of the lack of connection – the fire ladder.It doesn’t seem to have any initial importance, oth er than being a source of escape, but in taking a closer look, it can easily be a symbol of disconnect within the community. Most fire escape ladders are constructed so that when they are necessary to be used, they can be pushed downward and the ladder will reach all the way to the ground. In this painting, the ladder does not reach the ground, making it more difficult for its users to escape. The ladder not connecting to the ground can be paralleled with the residents not connecting with one another.Tragedy has proven time and time again to be a unifier of worlds when people seem to be at their most distant, especially for African-Americans in the 1930s, except in the case of â€Å"The Iceman†, in which the community remained separated, even though their lives overlapped. Jacob Lawrence seemed to want to bring about a wave of pride in his people by painting this and using artistic elements to influence his audience. He put forth the use of subtle symbolism and imagery to rev eal a lack of connection within this Harlem neighborhood.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reflect on and develop your practice

Sometime I also come across patients with challenging behaviour. Once I had a patient admitted on my ward named Mr F with challenging behaviour and communication was a problem. Understanding his request I found it very difficult, because the communication skills were very limited by the patient. One occasion became very frustrated with his behaviour and I became angry because of his demands. I got irritated and became rather â€Å"short† with him. I realised that this approach is in fact negative and that I needed to change my way of thinking. To be a commencement worker I needed to use skills of empathy and realised that it could be easy for me to lash out. I needed to deal with this and adopt a positive approach. I took into account that I am a care worker and that I have to change my attitude and to give more of myself. I felt I have to learn more about individuals with challenging and complex needs. Any values of beliefs of my own needed to go on the back burner and not stereotype those I am working with. I had to improve my practice as well and seek feedback from my manager. My manager has given me feedback and has encouraged and appreciated my thoughts. She has worked with me to improve my practice and truthfully informed me about the problem with my behaviour to ensure that I was directed and able to deal more effectively with my clients with particular needs. I have attended training sessions on communication and few seminars on stress management. This I felt helped me to be more competent person and able to deal appropriately with my clients. The session on communications and learning disabilities lightened that my clients’ problems were not their fault. I discovered that I had taken their behaviour personally.. In order for best practise to take place I needed knowledge about their disabilities, this has improved my practise and has helped me to understand them more. I have regular supervision regarding my practice and have been told I have improved and have become more professional in my approach. I see training as ongoing and valuable.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Biography of Jay Gould, Notorious Robber Baron

Biography of Jay Gould, Notorious Robber Baron Jay Gould (born Jason  Gould; May 27, 1836–December 2, 1892) was a businessman who came to personify the robber baron in the late 19th century. Over the course of his career, Gould made and lost several fortunes as a railroad executive, financier, and speculator. Gould had a reputation for ruthless business tactics, many of which would be illegal today,  and during his lifetime he was often thought to be the most despised man in the nation. Fast Facts: Jay Gould Known For:  Jay Gould was known as an unscrupulous robber baron in the late 19th century.Also Known As:  Jason  GouldBorn:  May 27, 1836 in Roxbury, New YorkParents: Mary More and John Burr Gould  Died:  December 2, 1892 in New York, New YorkEducation: Local schools, Hobart Academy, self-taught in surveying and mathematicsPublished Works:  History of Delaware County, and Border Wars of New YorkSpouse(s): Helen Day MillerChildren: George Jay Gould I, Edwin Gould, Sr., Helen Gould, Howard, Gould, Anna Gould, Frank Jay GouldNotable Quote: My idea is, that if capital and labor are left alone they will mutually regulate each other. Early Life Jayson â€Å"Jay† Gould was born into a farming family in Roxbury, New York, on May 27, 1836. He attended a local school and learned basic subjects. He was self-taught in surveying and in his late teens he was employed making maps of counties in New York State. He also worked for a time in a blacksmith shop before becoming involved in a leather tanning business in northern Pennsylvania. Wall Street Gould moved to New York City in the 1850s and began learning the ways of Wall Street. The stock market was largely unregulated at the time, and Gould became adept at manipulating stocks. Gould was ruthless at using techniques such as cornering a stock, by which he could drive prices up and ruin speculators who were â€Å"short† on the stock, betting the price would go down. It was widely believed that Gould would bribe politicians and judges and was thereby able to skirt whatever laws might have curtailed his unethical practices. A story that circulated in Goulds time about his early career was that he led his partner in the leather business, Charles Leupp, into reckless stock transactions. Goulds unscrupulous activities led to Leupps financial ruin, and he killed himself in his mansion on Madison Avenue in New York City. The Erie War In 1867 Gould obtained a position on the board of the Erie Railroad and began working with Daniel Drew, who had been manipulating stocks on Wall Street for decades. Drew controlled the railroad, along with a younger associate, the flamboyant Jim Fisk. Gould and Fisk were nearly opposite in character, but they became friends and partners. Fisk was prone to attracting attention with very public stunts. And while Gould genuinely seemed to like Fisk, historians speculate that Gould saw value in having a partner who drew attention away from him. With scheming led by Gould, the men became involved in a war for control of the Erie Railroad with the richest man in America, Cornelius Vanderbilt. The Erie War played out as a bizarre spectacle of business intrigue and public drama. At one point, Gould, Fisk, and Drew fled to a hotel in New Jersey to be beyond the reach of the New York legal authorities. As Fisk put on a public show, giving lively interviews to the press, Gould arranged to bribe politicians in Albany, New York, the state capital. The struggle for control of the railroad finally reached a confusing end, as Gould and Fisk met with Vanderbilt and worked out an agreement. Ultimately the railroad fell into the hands of Gould, though he was happy to let Fisk, dubbed the â€Å"Prince of Erie,† be its public face. The Gold Corner In the late 1860s, Gould noticed some quirks in the way the gold market fluctuated, and he devised a scheme to corner gold. The intricate scheme would allow Gould essentially to control the gold supply in America, which would mean he could influence the entire national economy. Gould’s plot could only work if the federal government chose not to sell gold reserves while Gould and his cronies were working to drive up the price. To sideline the Treasury Department, Gould  bribed officials in the federal government, including a relative of President Ulysses S. Grant. The plan to corner gold went into effect in September 1869. On a day that would become known as â€Å"Black Friday,† September 24, 1869, the price of gold began to rise and a panic ensued on Wall Street. By midday, Gould’s plan unraveled as the federal government began to sell gold on  the market, driving down the price. Though Gould and his partner Fisk had caused a major disruption to the economy, and a number of speculators were ruined, the two men still walked away with a profit estimated in the millions of dollars. There were investigations into what had unfolded, but Gould had carefully covered his tracks. He was not prosecuted for violating any laws. The Black Friday gold panic made Gould more wealthy and more famous, though throughout this episode he generally tried to avoid publicity. As ever, he preferred that his gregarious partner, Jim Fisk, deal with the press. Gould and the Railroads Gould and Fisk ran the Erie Railroad until 1872, when Fisk, whose private life had become the subject of countless newspaper headlines, was murdered in a Manhattan hotel. As Fisk lay dying, Gould rushed to his side, as did another friend, William M. â€Å"Boss† Tweed, the leader of Tammany Hall, New York’s infamous political machine. Following the death of Fisk, Gould was ousted as head of the Erie Railroad. But he remained active in the railroad business, buying and selling vast amounts of railroad stock. In the 1870s, Gould bought up various railroads during a time when a financial panic drove down prices. He understood that railroads needed to expand in the West and that demand for reliable transportation across great distances would outlive any financial instabilities. As the American economy improved by the end of the decade, he sold much of his stock, amassing a fortune. When the prices of stocks dropped again, he began acquiring railroads again. In a familiar pattern, it seemed that no matter how the economy performed, Gould wound up on the winning side. More Questionable Associations In the 1880s, Gould became involved in transportation in New York City, operating an elevated railroad in Manhattan. He also bought the American Union Telegraph company, which he merged with Western Union. By the late 1880s, Gould dominated much of the transportation and communication infrastructure of the United States. In one shady episode, Gould became involved with businessman Cyrus Field, who decades earlier had masterminded the creation of the transatlantic telegraph cable. It was believed that Gould led Field into investment schemes that proved ruinous. Field lost his fortune, and Gould, as ever, seemed to profit. Gould also became known as an associate of New York City police detective Thomas Byrnes. It eventually came to light that Byrnes, though he always worked on a modest public salary, was quite wealthy and had considerable holdings in Manhattan real estate. Byrnes explained that for years his friend Jay Gould had given him stock tips. It was widely suspected that Gould had been giving Byrnes inside information on upcoming stock deals as bribes. As with so many other incidents and relations, rumors swirled around Gould, but nothing was ever proven in court. Marriage and Home Life Gould was married in 1863, and he and his wife had six children. His personal life was relatively quiet. As he prospered, he lived in a mansion on New York City’s Fifth Avenue but seemed uninterested in flaunting his wealth. His great hobby was raising orchids in a greenhouse attached to his mansion. Death When Gould died of tuberculosis, on December 2, 1892, his death was front-page news. The newspapers ran lengthy accounts of his career and noted that his wealth was probably close to $100 million. The lengthy front-page obituary in Joseph Pulitzers New York Evening World indicated the essential conflict of Goulds life. The newspaper referred to Jay Goulds Wonderful Career in a headline. But it also recounted the old scandal of how he had destroyed the life of his early business partner Charles Leupp. Legacy Gould has generally been depicted as a dark force in American life, a stock manipulator whose methods would not be allowed in today’s world of securities regulation. A perfect villain in his time, he was portrayed in political cartoons drawn by artists such as Thomas Nast as running with bags of money in his hands. History’s verdict on Gould has been no kinder than the newspapers of his own era. However, some historians claim that he was unfairly portrayed as being more villainous than he really was. Other historians argue that his business activities did, in reality, perform useful functions, such as greatly improving railroad service in the West. Sources Geisst, Charles R.  Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and Their Enemies, from Jay Gould to Bill Gates.  Oxford University Press, 2000.â€Å"Jay Gould: Financier in the Age of Robber Barons.†Ã‚  Jay Gould: Financier in the Age of Robber Barons, www.u-s-history.com/pages/h866.html.Hoyt, Edwin P.  The Goulds: A Social History. Weybright and Talley, 1969.Klein, Maury.  The Life and Legend of Jay Gould.  Baltimore, Johns Hopkins  University Press, 1986.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Build your Author Street Team in 4 Simple Steps

Build your Author Street Team in 4 Simple Steps Authors: Build Your Street Team in 4 Simple Steps Last updated: 2017/12/07â€Å"No man is an island,† as the old poem goes. In much the same way, you don’t get to become a successful writer without some help along the way.  When you're marketing your book, companies like  Reedsy can certainly give you access to experienced freelance marketers – but in time you must also learn to rely on your Street Team.2. Finding your ‘first gangers’ Even if you end up with a fabulous book deal down the line, your street team will remain amongst your most important allies during the process of marketing your book. By staying on their radar and not wasting their time with spam, you can keep your street team happy and ready to help you the next time you release a book. Have you put together a street team before? Where did you find them and how did they help you promote your book? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A better a Life by Chris Weitz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A better a Life by Chris Weitz - Essay Example Carlos is in such a situation and he reveals his fears to his employer, Blasco who wants to return to Mexico after making enough money. Undocumented workers have no guarantee that they will be hired to work without licensing and insurance as Carlos is unsure if he will get any employment after Blasco leaves for Mexico and has to take the risk of purchasing Blasco’s truck to be his own employer and take on Blasco’s business. The only choice that is available for undocumented workers in the United States is to work as a hired hand and ensure they are invisible if they are to survive the debilitating conditions as undocumented workers.  There is no certainty in the lives of undocumented workers as to the presence of work compared to documented workers who have access to monthly jobs and pension schemes, as well as health insurance. This is well illustrated when Blasco drops Carlos after a day’s work and informs him that there will be no work the next day. The othe r episode that exposes this sad reality in the lives of undocumented workers is where workers congregate to be picked up for work and some immigrate may not have the chance of getting work as depicted by Santiago an Carlos at the end of the day. The other portrayal of undocumented workers is that they have to play certain roles in the community that are despised including lawn mowing as done by Carlos, park cars, washing dishes, and man tables in hotels.     Undocumented workers are faced with financial challenges and have to work even on Sundays to make ends meet.